Mobile technology: remote sales with innvan

Did you know that mobile or remote sales can be one of the most lucrative and regular revenue streams for retailers. Indeed essential for any business that operates door-to-door.

But not knowing what your customers previous orders were, or having real time visuals over stock throughout your sales teams route can leave you vulnerable to several issues; loss of time, lack of efficiency and inadequate/incorrect onboard stock information and of course the paperwork (which, let’s face it – no one likes!). All of which costs you money!!

Mobile technology has come along way in the last decade, but a long time before then, Innov8 was innovating!

You see, offering a solution to meet mobile or van sales needs, has to be flexible to both counteract and resolve these potential problems, plus every business operates in a slightly different manner.

Mobile customer fulfilment is not a one size fits all approach and that’s why Innov8 developed InnVan.

Structured, yet flexible. Complete yet modular. InnVan has serviced a wide-range of businesses over the years. In fact I’d take a bet you will have at some point purchased a product that has been fulfilled by InnVan.

Mobile sales aka route accounting, is a solution designed to drive remote business and reduce that dreaded paperwork! The beauty of InnVan is that it can be rolled out for any size fleet and can be seamlessly integrated to any ERP application (Sage integration comes as standard) and the latest handset technology makes it simple to navigate for your salespeople who are on the road getting the orders in.

Accurate stock information is available at the tip of your fingers, both individually and for sales teams simultaneously, meaning there is always a clarity at the end of the day for everyone regarding stock control. Even better, InnVan does all this in real time.

Aside from the benefits to support field sales with customers, InnVan supports your employees with their internal collaborations too. The software has reporting dashboards, vehicle checks that can be carried out as well as full accident reports, plus group and individual messaging functions.

Remember, working in sales is tough enough, so having a solution to streamline, strengthen and simplify remote sales means your team will perform better through a smarter solution. Not to mention customers always come back when they are provided with a stress-free experience. After all, no one wants to be stood around waiting for Harry to tot-up how many bags of ready salted he has left on the van.

If you would like to know more about InnVan, give our product page a look over.